Patriots with Pride » Patriots with Pride

Patriots with Pride

Club Contact: Ms. Huyghe [email protected] 

This club is sponsored by the Junior Optimist Organization with an emphasis on community service.  We will typically meet 2-3 times a month after school to complete projects that have a community focus in mind.  Some of our projects have included - Thanksgiving baskets (benefiting district families), "No-Sew" blankets (benefiting local foster care shelters), Bake Sales (benefiting American Red Cross - Ukraine Fund), Kids Against Hunger food prep drive, clothing drive/sucker sales (benefiting local homeless shelters).


We will also have some evening/weekend events that students can participate in - LHS Homecoming Parade, Saint Clair Shores Christmas Tree Lighting, and the Santa Station at the Selinsky-Green Farmhouse.  Everyone is welcome to join this inclusive group that tries to make our community a better place. 


There is a $10 registration fee that goes to the Junior Optimist Organization for sponsoring us.  


Please see Ms. Huyghe in room 120 for applications and details.