8th Grade D.C. Trip Information Please click the link above for D.C. Trip information. We have copies in the office if needed.
Cyber Safety Presentation If you are a parent, aunt/uncle, grandparent of a child or teen it is worthwhile to watch. There are many suggestions for parental controls and what to watch out for with kids on social media, playing games on the internet, etc. The presentation was recorded and the link is above. You do have to use the passcode to access the recording. The password to view is: $aF6y6*X
GATEWAY Back-to-School Annual Update 2024-2025 This process must be completed for all RETURNING students, including Lakeview Virtual School students.
Lakeview Public School District and School Annual Education Reports (AER) are available Please click on the link to view the Lakeview Public School District and School AER reports. Hard copies are available upon request at the Wheat Administration Building located at 27575 Harper, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081